What to do if you’re feeling stuck in your career?
With most people staying in the workforce for around 45 years, it’s really normal (and understandable!) that you may reach a point where you are unsure what you want to do in your life. In fact, research shows people tend to go through 3-7 career changes over the lifespan! (Amato, 2023).
So how do you figure out what you may like to do? Here are four steps to get you started:
1) Emotions: Your emotions in concrete ways are constantly communicating to you how you feel about every situation you encounter, and also tell you what you need. If you aren’t in touch with your emotions, you won’t know what you are drawn to or what is not serving you anymore.
2) Diary: Keep a diary for two weeks. Write down sparks joy and what snuffs out your joy. Think about books, topics, events, people, jobs, conversations, times of day and activities.
3) Job: Take a look at your current and past job descriptions. What parts do you enjoy? Won’t parts don’t you enjoy? What drew you to your current role?
4) Take the pressure off. Life is long. This next step doesn’t have to be forever. It’s just about making the next best step. In 5 years time you might be down a path you never even imagined. There will be jobs around that don’t even exist now. For instance, 15 years ago you couldn’t make online content as an influencer. Now think about the industry surrounding influencers…social media managers, talent managers, PR agencies, online marketing, SEO content, podcasts etc.
Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash