
What labels has society given you?

Successful or lazy? Married or single? Career driven or stay at home mum? Bachelor or father? Religious or Atheist? Healthy or sick? Young or old? Beautiful or unattractive?

How have those labels changed over the years?

Have you gone from healthy to sick, single to married, childless to having a child…

Be mindful of how these labels define you. Which labels do you overly identify with? When we identify strongly with the labels we have been given, it can be a real shock to our identity when those labels shift.

Ask yourself, what would be horrible if they were taken away? Why is it so important to you to have that label – Fear of rejection? Loss of power? Respect? Being alone? Loss of safety? Admiration?

The only guarantee in life is change. Therefore, it’s important to loosen the grip these labels have on you – You are a complex, beautiful human being with many aspects to you that will change over the course of your life.

An analogy can be helpful here (I love an analogy, haha). Imagine you are a mountain. The weather changes around you. Sometimes it’s misty and sometimes you can see for miles in with sunny skies. This changing weather is the labels we are given. No matter what labels you are given, you always stand solid underneath. You are always present, but the way the world labels you may change depending on your external situation.


Do you feel like a failure?


Confirmation Bias