Rebecca Anderson Rebecca Anderson

Reducing Procrastination

People procrastinate for many different reasons, but at its core, procrastination is about the inability to tolerate negative emotions or sensations. Humans don’t like to feel bad. If left to our own devices, we are quite hedonistic….we want to feel good and we love instant gratification. And sitting down to do a task can be boring, tedious and hard.

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Rebecca Anderson Rebecca Anderson

Improving Sleep Series - Understand Insomnia

Insomnia is a normal adaptive response in the short term to the ‘fight or flight mode’. Reduced sleep is designed to help you manage the risks and stress in your life. If your insomnia has only being occurring between 1-4 weeks, there is not need to do anything about it.

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Rebecca Anderson Rebecca Anderson

Strategies for Reducing Binge Eating

A binge often involves eating rapidly, eating until you feel uncomfortably full, eating a large amount of food when not physically hungry and eating alone due to embarrassment or shame.

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